Tasty thermostable fillings
fruit and cream
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Our recipes

Baked raspberry omelette


6 eggs
2 tablespoons of powdered sugar
150 g of flour
100 ml of milk
1 teaspoon of baking powder
Lauretta 60% raspberry filling
butter to grease the pan


Our procucts used in this recipe:


Grease the tart or cake baking pan with butter. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees celsius. Separate the whites from the yolks.
Sift the flour into a bowl, add baking powder, yolks and milk. Mix until smooth. Whip egg whites in a second bowl. After beating for 5 minutes, add sugar and whip until it becomes a stiff mass.
Add a few tablespoons of egg whites into the flour mixture. Delicately mix with a spoon and gradually add the rest of the whites, mixing continuously but gently.
Put the dough into the pan. Add the raspberry filling on top in a circular, snail shape.
Bake for 15 minutes. Open the oven and allow to cool before removing.
Decorate with powdered sugar before serving.

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