Tasty thermostable fillings
fruit and cream
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Our recipes

Exotic Delicacy


Baking tray 60x40
2 white sponge cakes
1 chocolate sponge cake
90 g gelatin
450 g boiling water
600 g Lauretta coconut flavored filling
500 g Lauretta Lemon Twist filling
1000 g whipping cream
1000 g unsweetened vegetable cream
1000 g punch
200 g Ascanio neutral flavored mirror glaze
2000 g 40% apricot flavored Lauretta filling


Our procucts used in this recipe:


Start with the apricot jelly. Pour 250 g boiling water over 40 g gelatin, mix carefully and add 2000 g 40% apricot flavored Lauretta filling.
Soak the white sponge cake with the punch. Spread the apricot jelly on it and put it aside until it cools down.
In the meantime, prepare the cream. Mix and whip the two kinds of cream. Blend carefully 50 g gelatin in 200 g boiling water. Add the gelatin to the whipped cream (on low speed) and mix everything.
Divide the cream mixture into 2 equal parts. Add 500 g Lauretta coconut flavored filling to one part. Put the coconut cream on the congealed apricot jelly, spread evenly and cover with the chocolate sponge cake soaked with the punch. Add 500 g Lauretta Lemon Twist filling to the rest of the cream and mix carefully. Put about 200 g of the cream aside and spread the rest on the sponge cake. Cover it with the white sponge cake soaked with the punch and spread the cream that was put aside on it. Put aside for 2 hours in the fridge.
Mix 200 g Ascanio neutral flavored mirror glaze and 100 g Lauretta coconut flavored filling, spread it on the top of the cake and make a lattice with a pastry comb. Decorate as desired, e.g. sprinkling with pomegranate and freshly grated lemon peel.

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